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Showing posts from July, 2020

Candids 2020: Angelina Jolie goes out & about

Angelina Jolie was seen shopping and carrying a pet carrier with her daughter Vivienne in Los Angeles, California on Monday (July 20)

UNHCR S.E Angelina Jolie speaks before the UN Security Council on CRSV

Speaking to the UN Security Council today, UNHCR Special Envoy #AngelinaJolie cited an upcoming Amnesty International report on Yezidi child survivors of the armed group calling itself the Islamic State (IS) in Iraq. Highlighting the lack of services available for child survivors of sexual violence and other violations, and calling for an urgent increase in international funding and dedicated services for children, Angelina Jolie’s remarks cited Amnesty International’s research: “Many children were murdered, but nearly 2,000 have returned. Many suffer from post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression. “They experience flashbacks and recurrent nightmares that are typical for children who have experienced trauma and abuse. “Many of the children witnessed the murder of their relatives, and the rape of their mothers.” She added: “If we are not able to live up to our promise of a survivor-centred approach for Yezidi children, who make up just one relatively small group of survivors, t

Angelina Jolie will speak at the High-Level open debate on CRSV on July 17

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Special Envoy and Filmmaker, Angelina Jolie will be speaking at the High-Level open debate on  Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) on Friday, 17 July 2020, 10 a.m EST. UNHCR special envoy Angelina Jolie speaking at the UN peacekeeping ministerial meeting in 2019. Angelina Jolie has been an advocate of sexual violence in conflict related in 2012. She co-authored the Preventing Sexual Violience in Conflict initiative with former secretary William Hague.

July 15 : Angelina Jolie and Vivienne in Downtown L.A.

Angelina Jolie was seen shopping in KoreaTown in Downtown LA with her youngest daughter Vivienne.   Last July 12, Vivienne along with twin brother Knox turned 12. Better safe than sorry! UN High Commissioner for Refugees Special Envoy and Filmmaker, Angelina Jolie was seen wearing  Everlane's 100% human mask  and gloves.