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Maleficent, Mistress of Evil: Tres Reacts

First of all, I will be very biased here because as you can see, this blog is dedicated for my admiration for Angelina Jolie, so if you're no Jolie fan and you don't like the 1st Maleficent. DO NOT EVER READ THIS.

Yes, i have watched the 1st Maleficent many times and been thinking what will Disney can offer us after the plot we had with Maleficent having the sides of good and evil. This is actually a very good lesson to learn about humanity and diversity. That there is never an instance of a person that was born to be evil, the understanding of a behavior of a person, it must have a REASON.

On the 1st teaser of Mistress of Evil, yes! It's a teaser! It's not the official trailer! So, if you aren't following Elle Fanning or Michelle Pfeiffer's teaser interviews, you will be really confused as to what this film will become. But this is what i like about its teaser, it stirred confusion and interest, lot of questions, GOOD MARKETING.

I realized that the narrator of the teaser is actually Michelle Pfeiffer! And here it was, as we heard "I remember a story of an EVIL WITCH and the princess she CURSED TO SLEEP FOREVER" ha! stirring up Maleficent's anger! saw you there! and well we see that they are on the same table. And Maleficent looking and sounding sarcastic "THERE ARE MANY WHO PREY FOR THE INNOCENT. I'M SURE YOUR KIND WOULD AGREE." Okay. There! It's a war. I get it. They don't like each other. And remember that time when King Stefan stole her wings? "PREY FOR THE INNOCENT/YOUR KIND" So i think Maleficent has some kind of ill-grudge to how did humans portrays her to be. hmmm.

Don't. Just don't. I love her here! The costume and that fierce look! Will she ready to say "YOU FOOLS THINKING YOU CAN DEFEAT ME? ME?! THE MISTRESS OF ALL EVIL!

and that's a really good path to Sersi, La Jolie!


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